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Branches of Government

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When you vote, do you talk about who you voted for? YES OR NO
What does the legislative branch make?
They make laws.
The president runs which branch?
The executive branch
The congress runs which branch?
The legislative branch
What is a ballot?
this is what we use to mark our vote on
Who signs bills to make them laws?
The president
How many branches of government do we have?
How old do you have to be to vote?
18 years old
Do other people get to see your vote? YES OR NO
What is a voting slip called?
A ballot
We get to vote for our president. TRUE OR FALSE
We do not have the right to vote. TRUE OR FALSE
Does a law need to be fair? TRUE OR FALSE
Which branch makes laws?
What is the judicial branch made up of?
Courts and Judges
What does a bill become when a president signs it?
A law
What is it called when a bill is rejected?
Who runs the executive branch?
The president
What are bills?
Ideas for new laws
Who runs the legislative branch?
The Congress
Name the the three branches of government:
Executive, Judicial, Legislative