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Functions, Domain, Range, Discrete and Continuou ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Determine the domain and range of the graph
Domain: { -1, 0, 2, 3}, Range: {0, 1, 2}
Determine if the relation is discrete or continuous. The number of students on the bus as the bus takes students home.
Determine if the relation is discrete or continuous. The amount of miles Ms. Thayer has walked this week.
Given the equation y = 12x + 3 where x is the number of movie tickets with a $3 tax on the tickets. Find the range of the function with a domain of {6, 7, 8, 9}.
{75, 87, 99, 111}
Determine the domain and range of the graph
Domain: {-6 < x < 3} (both equal), Range: {-6 < y < -1} (both equal)
Determine the domain and range of the graph
Domain: {0 < x < 4 (both equal to)}, Range: {0 < y < 6 (both equal to)}
Determine the domain and range of the graph
Domain: {all real numbers}, Range: {y > 0 (also equal to)}
Determine the domain and range of the graph
Domain: -4 < x < 2 (both equal) Range: -2 < y < 4 (both equal)
What is the domain of the graph?
x > 0
Determine the domain and range from the graph
D:{-2, -1, 2, 4}, R:{-3, -2, -1, 0, 3}
Which of the following is not a function?
What value of x will make the table still be a function?
anything besides 4, 0, or 2
Is the graph a function?
Is the graph discrete or continuous?
Is the graph discrete or continuous?
Determine the domain and range of the list of ordered pairs. {(3,1), (3,4), (0,6), (2,6)}
D:{3, 0, 2}, R: {1, 4, 6}
Is the list of ordered pairs a function? {(3,1), (3,4), (0,6), (2,6)}
Determine the domain and range of the table
D:{0, 2, 3, 4}, R:{1, 4, 6, -1}
Is the table a function?
Determine the domain of the graph
-6 < x < 6 (both equal to)