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Think 2 Wednesday
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who created the glue for cable covers?
What colour does the cable covers come in?
black and white
Who created the Shaky bed?
What was the shaky bed made for?
to wake you up
How much does the digital book cost?
How much does the helping robot cost?
What size is the robot?
the size of a book
Where can you purchase the Mini-library set?
What was kept in the box of Daria's invention?
How much was the Portable Cinema Screen?
30 Euro
What was Mateo's invention?
Portable Cinema Screen
Where can the teleporting backpack teleport?
Within a country
Who made the Teleporting Backpack?
What could you add to The Magic Pen?
a picture if you want
What was the dictating pen called?
The Magic Pen
What two things were special about the water bottle?
It is endless & ecofriendly
How much does the endless water bottle cost?
Which two classmates had similar inventions?
Emeea & Tudor
According to Tudor, what should replace books for school?
How much was the digital schedule?
10 lei
What was Mihai's invention?