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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You LIKE vegetables. (-)
You DIDN'T LIKE vegetables.
They PLAY volleyball. (-)
They DIDN'T PLAY volleyball.
You TAKE a shower in the morning. (-)
You DIDN'T TAKE a shower in the morning.
They WATCH a horror movie. (-)
They DIDN'T WATCH a horror movie.
You COOK dinner. (-)
You DIDN'T COOK dinner.
They WORK in a restaurant. (-)
They DIDN'T WORK in a restaurant.
They STUDY at university. (-)
They DIDN'T STUDY at university.
My grandparents VISIT me. (-)
My grandparents DIDN'T VISIT me.
You PASS the exam. (-)
You DIDN'T PASS the exam.
You SLEEP on the sofa. (-)
You DIDN'T SLEEP on the sofa.
They LIVE in Japan. (-)
They DIDN'T LIVE in Japan.
You SEE a spider. (+)
You SAW a spider.
They TAKE an exam. (+)
They TOOK an exam.
I DO my homework. (+)
I DID my homework.
They BUY new books. (+)
They BOUGHT new books.
You EAT some cookies. (+)
You ATE some cookies.
You HAVE a rabbit. (+)
You HAD a rabbit.
The team WIN the championship. (+)
The team WON the championship.
They GO to school. (+)
They WENT to school.
They SWIM in the pool. (+)
They SWAM in the pool.
They DRINK orange juice. (+)
They DRANK orange juice.