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Module 2 Changing and Healthy Living TKP

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does 143 mean?
I love you
What does 'wya' mean?
where you at
What is a secret or second Instagram called?
If we say that something is 'sus', what does that mean?
suspect or suspicious/ a red flag
This party is lit means what?
That it's an excellent party
What does 'lmirl' mean?
let's meet in real life
This is another way of saying someone or something is too much or over the top.
Potassium, calcium and iron are examples of ________.
Potatoes and bananas provide our bodies with __________.
We eat lemons and broccoli for _______ ____.
Vitamin C
A _______ ______ is a chart that can be used to see how many servings of each food should be eaten each day.
Food Pyramid
These food items are your main sources of energy, such as bread, pasta and fruit.
Sue wanted some ______ from her parents so kept her bedroom door closed.
The period which your body changes throughout your teens is called _____.
If you are 'running something through your mind', what are you doing?
When there is drilling in my building on a Saturday morning, it is impossible to sleep through that ear-splitting sound. What does ear-splitting mean?
a very loud noise
Many people go _______ along the water in Tai Po. It's a great family activity.
Before a test or exam, many students feel _______.
It is important to practice good ______ by showering every day, wearing clean clothes and brushing your teeth.
The spots teens get on their faces are called ________.
________ affect teens bodies, emotions, moods and impulses.
I need to ask my school counsellor for _______ about which schools I should apply to.
Dairy, meat and nuts are all examples of food rich in _______.
You need to be sure to have five servings of fruit and vegetables every to have a ______ _______.
balanced diet