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Act II All My Sons

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chris gets angry at his father because
Joe didn't tell anyone about the cracked cylinder heads because
Joe allowed the cracked cylinder heads to be shipped out because
Kate insists that Larry is alive because
Kate doesn't want Chris to allow Chris to marry Ann because
Kate packed Ann's bag because
Frank says that it is not possible that Larry had died because
George is suspicious about Joe's supposed flu during the war because...
Joe tells George that "there are certain men in the world who rather see everybody hung before they'll take the blame" because
George talks to Chris about if he knows his own father because
Frank never went to the war because
George is friendly with Kate because
George believes that Joe Keller is to blame for his father being in jail because
George doesn't want Ann to marry Chris because
Jim tells Chris not to invite George into his house because
Joe thinks that Ann and her father should reconcile because
Joe wants to offer Ann's father a job because
Joe thinks it's a problem that so many people are becoming educated
Sue resents living next door to the Keller's because...
Sue wants Chris and Ann to move away because
Sue thinks money is important because
Ann is nervous because
Kate wants Ann to go with George because..
Kate says that Chris has to protect her and Joe because....