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Citizenship Civics - Holidays

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What holiday remembers American that died in wars?
Memorial Day
Yes or No? The Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1787.
No. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776.
Yes or No? Martin Luther King Jr. Day is in January.
Yes. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is in January.
Yes or No? Election Day is a National Holiday.
No. Election Day is not a National Holiday
Yes or No? Presidents' Day is in March.
No. Presidents' Day is in February.
Yes or No. Independence Day is in November.
No. Independence Day is in July.
When is Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is in November.
What September holiday celebrates workers?
Labor Day
When is Memorial Day?
Memorial Day is in May.
What holiday is in June?
Flag Day
When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
July 4th. 1776
When is Independence Day?
July 4th
Yes or No? Columbus Day is in May.
No. Columbus Day is in October.
Name two National US Holidays
New Year’s Day ▪ Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ▪ Presidents’ Day ▪ Memorial Day ▪ Independence Day ▪ Labor Day ▪ Columbus Day ▪ Veterans Day ▪ Thanksgiving ▪ Chri
When is Presidents' Day?