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8.1.5 Molecular Motion

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If the thermal energy of water increases, how will this affect the kinetic energy of the water molecules?
The water molecules will speed up. The kinetic energy will increase.
What is kinetic energy?
The energy of motion.
What is thermal energy?
The energy of heat.
If I DECREASE the TEMPERATURE, how will the spacing and speed of molecules change?
Less space between molecules and decreased speed.
What is water's densest state of matter?
The Liquid state.
In most substances, what is the densest state of matter?
The Solid state.
In which state of matter do the atoms move the fastest?
In the Gas state
In which state of matter do atoms or molecules only vibrate?
In which state(s) of matter do atoms move?
In the solid, liquid, and gas states of matter.
What state of matter is shown here?
What state of matter is shown here?
What state of matter is shown here?