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a foreigner in Britain

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Cockney?
It is one of English dialects or East Londoners' English
What is the annual carnival and when does it take place?
London's Carribbean carnival in Notting Hill at the end of August
What is interesting about Chinatown
It is bright example of cultural and ethnic diversity, completely different culture
What is interesting about Globe Theatre?
Originally it was build in 1599 and it is in O shape and it doesn't have roof over center "groundlings"
What is special about Trafalgar Square?
It is traditional place to celebrate Mew Year's Eve and countdown
What can you say about TEA Culture?
"Tea in Britain is a light meal, often eaten around 4 o'clock"
Describe typical London pub
There are comfortable chairs, a carpet on the floor, not very bright lights, relaxed atmosphere and enormous selection of beers and they are served in pint glas
What does generalising mean? Give some generalising exmples about people from yuor country.
make broad statment regarding all population not individuals
What kind of contradictions did Antonio mention about British?
British people cold and distant in publich transport but they like to travel and meet new people. Their young people dresses strange, with red and blue hair
United Kingdom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland
is a sovereign country in north-western Europe, off the north-­western coast of the European mainland.[20] The United Kingdom includes the island of Great Brita