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It is an angle that formed by two lines crossing at a vertex.
Vertex Angle
It is the lower part or edge of something.
What is the measure angle of each interior angle of an equilateral triangle
It is the line segment through the vertex and perpendicular to a line containing the base.
It is a  two-dimensional shape with three straight sides and three angles.
It is a type of triangle that all angles are less than 90°.
Acute Triangle
It is a type of triangle that has 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles.
Equilateral Triangle
It is a type of triangle that has 3 different sides and 3 different angles.
Scalene Triangle
It is a type of triangle that has one 90° angle.
Right-Angled Triangle
It is a type of triangle that one of the angles is greater than 90°.
Obtuse Triangle
It is a type of triangle that has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles where the equal sides of opposite angles are equal.
Isosceles Triangle