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sustainable Development Goal

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True or False- Penicillin started the era of flu medicines.
True or False- Social media became a necessity for businesses and government.
What is the global common language?
Who discovered Penicillin?
Alexander Fleming
Where can we find this relics?
Valley of the Kings, Egypt
Where can we find this relics?
Xuan, China
Where can we find this relics?
Washington D.C, North America
SDG # 17:
SDG # 16:
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
SDG # 15:
Life on Land
SDG # 14:
Life below Water
SDG # 13:
Climate Action
SDG # 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG # 11:
Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG # 10:
Reduced Inequality
SDG # 9:
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
SDG # 8:
Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG # 7:
Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG # 6:
Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG # 5:
Gender Equality
SDG # 4:
Quality Education
SDG # 3:
Good Health and Well-being
SDG # 2:
Zero Hunger
SDG # 1:
No Poverty