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Halloween (Lyceum 1)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which movie claims to be the most successful horror in all of history: Friday the 13th, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Godzilla, 13 Ghosts ?
When was the first Halloween celebration: 1840, 1920, 1720, 1640?
What was Halloween previously known as: Hallow Day Halloween Day All Hallows Eve Hallow Night?
All Hallows Eve
What’s the most famous Halloween Costume?
To protect yourself from evil on Hallowe’en, what common kitchen ingredient would you carry in your pocket?
What do pumpkins grow on—stalks, trees, vines or bushes?
Who wrote the novel “Frankenstein”?
Mary Shelley
How many adults dress up for Halloween? (NAme the percentage)
Pumpkins can be orange, white, green, or what other color?
According to superstition, a person born on Halloween has what particular ability?
The ability to see and talk to spirits
Transylvania is a region in which country?
What does the name Dracula mean?
Son of the Devil
What does the idiom "Like a bat out of hell" mean?
To move extremely quick without thought or in a panic.
What are pumpkins called after we carve them?
Jack O Lanterns
What are you afraid of when you have "Samhainophobia"?
You have fear of Halloween
Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight on Oct. 31?
In which country did Halloween originate?