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The Frog Cycle

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the proper definition of the tadpole with 4 legs stage?
Now, the tadpole is more developed. It has 4 legs. Its tail begins to disappear.
What is the proper definition of the adult frog stage?
An adult frog is a fully developed frog. Its tail disappeared completely.
What is the proper definition of the froglet stage?
A froglet is almost an adult frog. Now, the froglet can leave the water and live in on land.
What is the proper definition of the tadpole with 2 legs stage?
Now, the tadpole has 2 legs. It can swim.
What is the proper definition of the egg stage?
Frogs lay eggs. Frogs are born from the eggs.
What is the proper definition of the tadpole stage?
A tadpole hatches from an egg and lives in water. A tadpole does not have legs. It has a tail.