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Indigo vocabulary review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 2 very environmentally friendly countries.
Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the U.K, France, Austria, Finland, Sweden
What is the name for something dirty and harmful released into the environment?
What can we do to help solve environmental problems?
Conserve water, switch lights off, close doors, recycle, reuse, use cars less etc
What should you do if you find an insect in your house?
Help it get back outside.
Why do people kill insects?
People kill insects because they are afraid of them.
What is sustainability?
Humans interact with the environment in a positive way. Sustainability ensures there will be resources left for future generations.
Name 4 insects.
Bee, fly, dragonfly. spider, ant etc
What will happen if we don´t have enough insects in the world?
We won´t be able to grow food. Insects are important for our ecosystem.
What is recycling?
When we take rubbish and transform it into new products.
What is the name for an increase in the level of the world´s oceans caused by global warming?
Rising sea level
What is the name for cutting down a large area of trees to clear the land for use?
What is the name for a large amount of water over what is usually dry land?
What is the name for a rotating storm with very high winds?
What is the name for a shortage of water caused by very low rainfall?
What is the name of a large fire that burns out of control?