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Tall Tales

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What direction were Americans moving during the 1800s?
Did Sally Ann like being called, Sweetie?
Did Sally Ann want people to think she was weak?
What was the problem in the story about John Henry? What did he need to help build?
How was Sally Ann SUPERHUMAN?
She danced with a bear and she lassoed men with snakes.
What was John Henry stronger than?
He was stronger than a machine.
What did Pecos Bill ride to show he was SUPERHUMAN?
He rode a mountain lion and a tornado.
How did Paul Bunyan show he was SUPERHUMAN with the river?
He pulled it up.
Lots of people needed space to live as they moved out west. This was kind of a problem. How did Paul Bunyan help?
He cut down trees.
Problem: Sally Ann wanted people to know she was tough! How did she show people she was tough?
She lassoed a man with snakes and she danced with a bear.
Pecos Bill had a problem. He thought he was a ________!
The problem was that Johnny wanted to plant apple trees. What was the solution?
He walked across country and planted trees barefoot!
Who was stronger than a machine?
John Henry
How did Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind save Davy Crockett?
She lassoed him out of a tree with a lasso of snakes.
This man rode mountain lions and tornadoes? Who was it?
Pecos Bill
How did Paul Bunyan help Americans moving west?
He cut down trees.
Who walked barefoot across the country?
Johnny Appleseed