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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Water, rock, the air, the sun and plants are all non living things. True or false?
False! Plants are living things.
Beetles are invertebrates. They belong to the ________kingdom.
Frogs are mammals and they belong to the animal kingdom. True or false?
False! Frogs are amphibians.
Sharks belong to the animal kingdom. They use ______to breathe; they are fish.
Truffles belong to the __________kingdom.
Mushrooms belong to the _________ kingdom.
Tell me 5 main parts/elements of plants.
Flower, fruit, roots, stem and leaf.
Plants take _________, __________ and _________ and change them into oxygen and the elements (sugars) that they need.
Sunlight, water and carbon dioxide
Plants produce their own food. The process that they use for this is called...
Plants are non living things. True or false?
False! Plants are living things.
Living things need...to live (name three things).
Water, food and air.
Non living things can eat, breathe, grow and reproduce. True or false?
False! Living things eat, breathe, grow and reproduce.
A giant squid is a vertabrate because it is huge!
False! It is an invertebrate
Butterflies and moths are ___________
Worms and slugs are __________.
Jellyfish are a type of aquatic plant. True or false?
False. They belong to the animal kingdom.
Invertebrates have a backbone. True or false?
False. Vertebrates have a backbone!