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At the airport!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you fly the airplane you are a _____________.
What is it?
It's a flight.
Is it a suitcase?
No, it isn't.
What is it?
check-in counter
Where do you go to check-in for a flight?
in the check-in counter
What is her job?
flight attendant
Where do you go when you want to fly on an airplane?
to the airport
What is it?
It's a suitcase.
When you pay for things you can pay by _______ or ________
cash or card
You need this document to board a flight.
a boarding pass
What two types of seats are available on a plane?
window seats, aisle seats, and middle seats
What do you do first when you arrive at the airport?
check-in for your flight
The document you need to travel to different countries.
a passport
Before you go to the hotel you have to get your suitcases in the __________.
baggage claim
What should I do?
fasten your seat belt
What type of seat is it?
middle seat
What type of seat is it?
window seat
What type of seat is it?
aisle seat
You can keep your bags here during the flight.
overhead compartment
This is the ____________. It takes us directly to the plane.
boarding bridge
Before you can board your flight you have to go through...
What is it?
It's an escalator
You have to go to this to board your flight. It usually has a number.
a boarding gate
To check how heavy your bag/suitcase is you have to put it on the...
It's a long ____________.
Before I go to the gate I need to get my _________________.
boarding passes
At the airport first I need to ________ my bags.
Before you go on holiday, you _______________________ or a bag.
pack your suitcase
In summer I went on ____________ to another country by plane because I was really tired and needed to relax.