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Apologia advanced Biology module 4

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Explain the difference between proximal and distal.
proximal is closer to the point of attachment of a limb. Distal is farther from the point of attachment of a limb. The foot is distal to the knee
explain the difference between medial and lateral.
Medial is closer to the mid line lateral is farther away from the midline. The nose is medial to the ear. the ear is lateral to the nose
Explain the difference between inferior and superior.
Inferior is below and superior is above. The head is superior to the ribs, the ribs are inferior to the head
What is and where will you find articular cartilage?
The smooth hard plastic surface in a synovial joint.
Where do you find osteocytes?
In the lacuna of bone. They start as osteoblasts until the bone they are creating surround them in a lacuna.
What cells have more than one nuclei?
A medical researcher shows you an epiphyseal plate that has been removed from an immature bone. The researcher wants to know which side of the plate was close to the diaphysis. Can you tell?
Yes, look for the side that is partially ossified. Remember the epiphyseal plate only grows on the side towards the diaphysis
label the structures of compact bone tissue and what is the whole cylindrical structure called?
a. lamella (concentric), b. lacuna, c. central (haversian) canal, d. canaliculi. Whole structure is the osteon(interstitial lamellae?)
What type of joints has little or no motion?
Fibrous and cartilaginous joints
Which synovial joint has the least range of motion?
gliding joints
Which joints have the greatest range of motion?
Ball and socket joint
What is the trabeculae?
highly porous (typically 75–95%) form of bone tissue that is organized into a network of interconnected rods,
In anatomical position, what position are the hands in? use the appropriate term.
The hand is supine (facing anteriorly) in the anatomical position.
What do osteoclasts secrete to accomplish their function?
Osteoclasts dissolve bone mineral by massive acid secretion and secrete specialized proteinases that degrade the organic matrix, mainly type I collagen,
What do osteocytes do and why do they need canaliculi?
a)to respond to mechanical strain and to send signals of bone formation or bone resorption to the bone surface, b to communicate with other osteocytes
Define osteoclast, osteocyte and osteoblast.
clast - breaks down bone, cyte - mature bone cell(creates the matrix), blast
When do bones need to be remodeled to their original shape? 3 reasons
1.to repair broken bones. 2. To replace worn out collagen or hydroxyapatite. 3. To regulate calcium levels in the body.
What are three reasons that bone might be needed to be reshaped by remodeling?
1. All new bone tissue is cancellous bone and some new bone needs to be compact bone, 2. Stress causes bones increase or decrease in size.3. growth
During bone remodeling, why does all new bone start out as cancellous bone?
Cancellous bone is disorganized and faster to lay down, so it is created first so functionality can return.
Label the parts of the joint.
a) bursa, b)fibrous capsule, c) synovial membrane, d) synovial fluid, e) articular cartilage
What does calcitonin do and why, and where does it come from?
It comes from the thyroid gland, and it reduces Ca+ levels in the blood by decreasing osteoclast activity
What kind of cell builds the bone matrix?
Osteoblast. The osteoblast secretes collagen and blood provides the bone salts.
Why is a bone made up of both collagen and bone salts?
collagen gives bone flexibility and tensile strength, and bone salts (Hydroxyapatite) give it compressive strength and hardness
A child is diagnosed with Ricketts, caused by a vit D deficiency, which prevents calcium from being absorbed by the body. What are the child’s bones like?
Soft and flexible, they can’t support the child’s body weight.
What is the consistency of synovial fluid and what is it’s purpose?
Viscous, ovial:egg like, non Newtonian, lubricates, supports the chondrocytes in the articular cartilage, shock absorber
List 3 of the 6 types of synovial joints and example of each
gliding (plane):scapula and clavical, hinge:knee or elbow, pivot:neck, ellipsoid:hand, saddle:thumb, ball and socket:hips and shoulder
What are Mrs. Berryman's arms doing during a squat on one leg?
circumduction (to keep my balance) :-)
what are my ankles doing during a squat?
What are my knees and hips doing during a squat?
name the 3 types of joints and an example.
Fibrous=-sutures (head) and syndesmosis (forearm),Cartilaginous- costal cartilage and pubis symphysis and spine, Synovial – allows for free movement
When does your body secrete PTH and where does it come from?
When Ca+ levels in the blood drop, it come from the parathyroid gland. It causes an increase in osteoclast activity and a decrease in osteoblast activity
Bone has a very plentiful blood supply(orthopedic surgery is one of the bloodiest surgeries)When a bone breaks,blood vessels are damaged,causing blood to flow in the area of the break.This blood clots and forms a hematoma.What happens next?
A callus forms to stabilize the bone while it heals. A mass of connective tissue that connects the end of a broken bone.
How do the sex hormones affect bone growth?
They cause a rapid growth spurt(an increase in the osteoblast activity), and they cause the epiphyseal plates to ossify.
What is cancellous (spongy) bone?
bone with many small spaces or cavities surrounding the bone matrix. Spaces filled with red bone marrow and blood vessels. Trabeculae for the lattice work.
What are the canaliculi?
processes that extend from the main body of an osteocyte to allow them to communicate with each other. The canaliculi touch each other
What is appositional growth?
when bones grow in diameter, osteoblasts lay down new bone matrix on the surface of the bone, while osteoclasts remove bone from the medullary cavity increasing
What is ossification?
the process of laying down new bone material by cells called osteoblasts. It is synonymous with bone tissue formation.
What does midsagittal mean?
the median vertical longitudinal plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves.