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Quote 2 Corinthians 5:17.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
When he met Cornelius, Peter learned that God does not show ____________. He accepts people from all nations.
When Peter arrived at Cornelius's house, he was surprised that Cornelius and his family received the ____________.
Holy Spirit
When Peter refused to eat the animals in his vision, a voice said, "Do not call impure what God has made _____."
When Peter was praying, he saw a large sheet drop down from heaven that was filled with ___________.
all kind of animals
When Cornelius was praying, an angel told him to send for a man named _____.
What was Cornelius's occupation?
He was a Roman commander
What fell from Saul's eyes after his sight was restored?
God spoke to a man named ________ and told him to go to Saul to restore his sight.
When Saul was traveling to Damascus, Saul fell to the ground because...
he saw a bright light flash from heaven.
After the day of Pentecost, a powerful Jew named ____ was threating Jesus's followers.
How many people became believers on the day of Pentecost?
about 3,000
On the day of Pentecost, which disciple stood up to preach to the crowd of people who gathered?
The Holy Spirit gave the believers the ability to _________________ on the day of Pentecost.
speak other languages
On the day of Pentecost, what rested on the heads of all the believers after they heard a sound like wind?
tongues of fire
What did Deborah and Barak do after God helped them defeat the army of Canaan?
They sang a song of praise to the Lord.
Deborah told Barak to take __________ men into battle against Sisera.
After the people of Israel had been mistreated by the king of Canaan for 20 years, what did they do?
They cried to the Lord for help.
The king of Canaan's army had 900 ____ chariots.