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Celebrations carry on until the fifth day when a special feast called Bhai Dooj is observed. Who is this feast for?
Diwali is celebrated with large firework displays, in honour of the celebrations believed to have taken place upon the return of which Lord?
What activity do people do just before Diwali in order to prepare for the arrival of the goddess Lakshmi?
Clean their houses
Diwali celebrates which victory?
Good over evil
People eat lots of sweets during Diwali. What is the name for these delicious treats?
Colourful decorations are made using flour and water and painted on the floor by the entrance to people’s homes. What are they called?
How long does Diwali last?
5 days
Diwali pays tribute to the goddess of wealth. What is her name?
: What other name is Diwali known by?
Festival of Lights