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Halloween ALPHA-PWE

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When does a werewolf transform in a wolf?
In a full moon
What is he doing?
He is playing with a train
what is the monster doing?
The monster is crying
What are they doing?
They are jumping on the bed
Where is the cat going?
the cat is going up the wall
What is the zombie doing?
He is playing the piano
What is the zombie doing?
It is riding a gorilla
What is he doing?
He is having a bath
What animal is it?
It's a CROW
Who are dancing?
The rabbit and the chicken are dancing
What does she do?
She kisses Finn
What is he doing?
He is brushing his teeth
Can you describe her?
She has black long hair and red eyes. She wears a black and red jersey
Where are they?
They are in the classroom
What is he doing?
He is opening the door
Where is the cat?
The cat is IN the pumpkin.
What is it doing?
The ghost is watching a film and eating popcorn
What is it doing?
The skeleton is playing a flute
WHO is dressed like a witch?
The duck is dressed like a witch
How many cupcakes is she decorating?
She is decorating six cupcakes
What are they doing?
They are having a party
What AREN'T they doing?
They aren´t______
What is it doing?
It is drinking greengrass juice
What does the ghost wear?
It wears a mask
What are they doing?
They are cooking a potion.