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World Trivia for Kids

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where in the world would you be if you were at the Moulin Rouge?
Paris, France
Where in the world would you be if you saw a beefeater?
London, England
Name a city that begins with L
Lima, Lisbon, London
Name a country that begins with A
Argentina, Australia, Albania...
Convince Denise to do a funny dance for you.
What is Rachel really bad at?
Many things, but drawing in particular
What god did the Olympics originally celebrate?
How many years of independence does Peru celebrate this year?
What is the oldest kind of art?
In Hawaii what strange thing can you send in the mail?
What is the big celebration in Brazil called?
Show us a Bollywood dance move.
Boogey, boogey, boogey
Where do Bollywood movies come from?
True or false - frogs can get married in Varanasi in India.
Where did the Aztecs come from?
What is Japan's national sport?
Where did Miss Denise just spend six months?
New York
In what place would you hear someone say 'aloha'?
What are the seven continents?
North and South America, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, Africa
What animal is sacred in India?
The Cow