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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Grammar challenge Choose the correct alternative: He recommended eating/to eat at the new restaurant in the city centre. Do you fancy to go/going?
Grammar challenge Choose the correct alternative: He recommended eating/to eat at the new restaurant in the city centre. Do you fancy to go/going?
Grammar challenge Correct two mistakes in the sentence: She warned not to deal with him as she untrusted that man.
Grammar challenge Correct two mistakes in the sentence: She warned not to deal with him as she untrusted that man.
Vocabulary challenge Complete the word with the correct prefix: She walks to work every day, despite her ___ability.
Vocabulary challenge Complete the word with the correct prefix: She walks to work every day, despite her ___ability.
Speaking challenge Comment on the following statement: Food isn’t at all important to me. I just eat when I’m hungry.
Speaking challenge Comment on the following statement: Food isn’t at all important to me. I just eat when I’m hungry.
Speaking challenge Give your opinion: What do you like most about the decade you were born in?
Speaking challenge Give your opinion: What do you like most about the decade you were born in?
Vocabulary challenge Give definition of the word: an advance
Vocabulary challenge Give definition of the word: an advance
Speaking challenge Complete the tips with the appropriate words: Whatever you ______, don’t leave your bags in the room.
Speaking challenge Complete the tips with the appropriate words: Whatever you do, don’t leave your bags in the room.
Vocabulary challenge Give definition of the word: a fortnight
Vocabulary challenge Give definition of the word: a fortnight
Grammar challenge Correct two mistakes in the sentence: You should really make a break, go to the cinema and watch your favourite movie, but make sure it is been shown at the moment.
You should really take a break, go to the cinema and watch your favourite movie, but make sure it is being shown at the moment
Speaking challenge Complete the tips with the appropriate words: Make _______ you get to the airport at least 2 hours before the plane leaves.
Speaking challenge Complete the tips with the appropriate words: Make sure you get to the airport at least 2 hours before the plane leaves.
Vocabulary challenge Complete the word with the correct prefix: Much of the snow in the Arctic has completely ___appeared.
Vocabulary challenge Complete the word with the correct prefix: Much of the snow in the Arctic has completely disappeared.
Grammar challenge Correct two mistakes in the sentence: They wouldn’t had been late if they caught the bus.
Grammar challenge Correct two mistakes in the sentence: They wouldn’t have been late if they had caught the bus.
Speaking challenge Complete the tips with the appropriate words: _______ out for snakes, they can be very dangerous.
Speaking challenge Complete the tips with the appropriate words: Watch out for snakes, they can be very dangerous.
Vocabulary challenge Complete the word with the correct prefix: It’s high time you __newed your driving license.
Vocabulary challenge Complete the word with the correct prefix: It’s high time you REnewed your driving license.
Grammar challenge /Correct two mistakes in the sentence: She explained that her friend is coming over and she needs time to plan a tour of the city for him.
Grammar challenge /Correct two mistakes in the sentence: She explained that her friend was coming over and she needs time to plan a tour of the city for him.