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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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6 additional minutes of reading per day can significantly improve kids’ reading performance. TRUE OR FALSE?
The country that spends the most reading per hour in a week is I.....
India with 10:42 per week
Your eyes look in different directions when reading. TRUE OR FALSE?
TRUE. Each of our eyes looks at a different letter 50% of the time.
Daily reading to children puts them almost ....... year/years ahead of those who are not being read to.
Among people who donate money and goods, 66% are readers, and 82% non-readers. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE. 82% are readers, and 66% non-readers.
The oldest operating bookshop in the world is in P........
Lisbon, Portugal
Fast reading distroys your eyes. TRUE OR FALSE ?
FALSE. Fast reading helps to preserve vision and doubles your recall speed
The world's youngest published author is Dorothy Straight, who wrote How The World Began at 4 years old in 1962. TRUE OR FALSE
The word 'library' actually comes from the Latin 'liber' which means the inner bark of trees. TRUE OR FALSE?
Alice in Wonderland is based on a real ,,,,,,,,,,,,-year-old girl with whom Lewis Carroll was friends
President Theodore Roosevelt read at least .................... book/books a day.
The three books that have been read the most are: The Bible, Quotations From Chairman, and .............?.
Harry Potter
Reading reduces stress by ........... percent