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Spain 19th Century

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When did Alfonso XII die?
In 1885
Who was the leader of the Liberals during Alfonso XII's reign?
Mateo Sagasta
Who was the leader of the Conservatives during Alfonso XII's reign?
Cánovas del Castillo
What were the two political parties during Alfonso XII's reign?
Conservatives and Liberals
When did the Restoration begin?
In 1874
Who led the Coup d'état in 1874?
General Manuel Pavía
When was the First Republic proclaimed?
In 1873
When did Amadeo I abdicate?
In 1873
Who were the Alfonsoists?
Supporters of Alfonso, Isabel II's son
What did General Prim do?
He led and uprising to overthrow Isabel II
Name the two politicians that supported Isabel II
Narváez y O'Donnell
What type of monarchy was Isabel II's reign?
Parliamentary monarchy
Who did the Carlists support?
Fernando VII's brother, Carlos María Isidro
Who ruled as regents while Isabel II was a baby?
Maria Cristina of Bourbon and General Espartero
When did the Ominous Decade take place?
Who led the rebellion that started the Liberal Triennium?
Rafael de Riego
What did Fernando VII do when he returned to Spain in 1814?
He revoked the Constitution
Name three things the Constitution of Cádiz established
Freedoom of press, freedom of expression, voting rights, national sovereignty, constitutional monarchy
When did the French Revolution start?
In 1789
What was the only Spanish territory not controlled by the French in 1810?
When did Godoy signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau?
In 1807
What happened on the 2nd May 1808?
Uprising in Madrid
Name the three kings that ruled Spain in 1808
Carlos IV, José Bonaparte, Fernando VII