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Past habitual actions that are no longer true t ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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China didn't have one of the world's strongest economies in the 1970's.
China didn't use to have one of the world's strongest economies.
The Empire State building was the tallest building in the world couple of years ago.
The Empire State building used to be the tallest building in the world.
Did people use tablets to surf the web before?
Did people use to use tablets to surf the web before?
Why did you eat so much when you were a kid?
Why did you use to eat so much when you were a kid?
What did you have for breakfast when you were younger?
What did you use to have for breakfast when you were younger?
Did you eat a lot of fatty foods when you lived in New York?
Did you use to eat a lot of fatty foods?
I didn't speak English when I was younger, but now I do.
I didn't use to speak English when I was younger, but now I do.
They played tennis every Saturday with their friends.
They used to play tennis every Saturday with their friends.
My friend Amanda and I ate dinner together every Saturday.
My friend Amanda and I used to eat dinner together every Saturday.
Jake worked at the post office, but now he's a teacher.
Jake used to work at the post office, but now he's a teacher.
My brother and his wife lived in the apartment upstairs when they were together. 
My brother and his wife used to live in the apartment upstairs.
Jade went to school at the Institute of Art.
Jade used to go to school at the Institute of Art.
I didn't like Chinese food, but now I do.
I didn't use to like Chinese food, but now I do.
I lived in Chicago, but now I live in New York.
I used to live in Chicago, but now I live in New York.