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An informal e-mail

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Join the sentences using the linkers provided: Ann is clever. She is polite. She can be stubborn at times. (also, however)
And is clever and she is also polite. However, she can be stubborn at times.
Order the words: he/people/arrogant/doesn’t like
He doesn't like arrogant people.
Correct the mistakes: Claire is canadian, but she has lived in poland for ages. This is the reason why she can speak polish really well.
Canadian / Poland / Polish
Put the words in the correct order: visits/he/his grandparents/sometimes
He sometimes visits his grandparents.
The subject always goes … the verb. (before / after)
Which of these do you associate to informal style? but / Hovewer / Nevertheless
Which of these do you associate to informal style? short verb forms / long sentences / omission of personal pronouns
short verb forms and omission of personal pronouns
Opening or closing remark? "Have to go now".
Closing remark.
Opening or closing remark? "Got to go now".
Closing remark
Opening or closing remark? "How’s it going?"
Opening remark
Choose the correct word: Linda dresses casually/formally. She usually wears baggy tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt.
Join the sentences or link the ideas using the linking words in brackets: Henry is short and skinny. He has got curly short hair. (with)
Henry is short and skinny with curly short hair.
Join the sentences or link the ideas using the linking words in brackets: Kate is very cheerful. She is sometimes bossy to her friends. (but)
Kate is very cheerful but she is sometimes bossy to her friends.
Join the sentences or link the ideas using the linking words in brackets: Fred has a great sense of humour. He can be arrogant at times. (However)
Fred has a great sense of humour. However, he can be arrogant at times. (However)
Join the sentences or link the ideas using the linking words in brackets: Paul is a generous man. He gives money to charity. (who)
Paul is a generous man who gives money to charity.
Order the words to make a correct sentence: annoyed / gets / by / impatient / people / Ken
Ken gets annoyed by impatient people.
Order the words to make a correct sentence: very / Richard / always / writes / clearly
Richard always writes very clearly.
Order the words to make a correct sentence: to the cinema / rarely / Oliver / goes
Oliver rarely goes to the cinema.
Order the words to make a correct sentence: eaten / never / Thai food / Tina / has
Tina has never eaten Thai food.
Order the words: gracefully / dances / Jane / very
Jane dances very gracefully.