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Grade 3 Lesson 7&8 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think people like the name ___________ more than ____________.
Ji-ah, Ha-eun
I think people like the name ___________ more than ____________.
Seo-joon, Suho
It seems to me, ______________ is more delicious than _________.
Vanilla, Strawberry
Which do you prefer, boy groups or girl groups?
I like boy groups more than girl groups
Which do you like more, cats or dogs?
I like dogs more than cats.
Which do you like more, English or Math?
I like English more than Math.
It seems to me that ________________.
most people wear long padded coats.
I think that __________________.
these shoes are popular.
In my opinion, _________________.
shorts and a pastel shirts are popular.
Which one do you prefer, jajjangmyeon or jjamppong?
I like jajjangmyeon more than jjamppong.
Which season do you like more? Winter, Summer, Spring, or Fall?
I prefer Fall (Autumn) to the other seasons.
Which soda do you prefer, Coca Cola or Pepsi?
I prefer Coca Cola
Thanks so much for finding my phone!
I'm happy to help!
Do you know how to put more money on my bus card?
Yes! First, put the card in the machine. Second, choose the amount of money. Last insert your money.
Thank you for helping me with my homework.
No problem!
I saved your cat!
I really appreciate your help!
We can use the umbrella together!
Thanks so much!
Can you explain how to _______________?
buy concert tickets
Can you explain how to ___________________?
sing the fanchant
Can you explain how to make this food?
Sure! First boil the water. Then cook the noodles with the seasoning. Last, you can eat it!
Do you know how to __________________?
tie your shoes?
Do you know how to spell the teacher's name?
Emily Rasmussen