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Amazing Alliteration

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
busy bee, buzzing bee
Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
slow snail, slimy snail
Answer the riddle with two words that begin with the same sound. What do you call a long, legless reptile that says "ah-choo"?
sneezing snake
Answer the riddle with two words that begin with the same sound. What do you call a kind person who helps care for you in the hospital?
nice nurse
Answer the riddle with two words that begin with the same sound. What do you call a baby deer that tells good jokes?
funny fawn
Answer the riddle with two words that begin with the same sound. What do you call an orange vegetable that looks both way before crossing the street?
careful carrot
Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
black bat
Can your group read this tongue twister? She sells seashells on the seashore.
Good Job!
Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
answers may vary - slithery, scaly, slidery snake)
Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
answers may vary (dangerous dinosaur)
What is the missing word? My mom made macaroni and m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Discuss and read the whole sentence as a group.
Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
broken broomstick
Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
pink pig
What is the missing word? Piper painted a pretty p_ _ _ _ _ _. Discuss and read the whole sentence as a group.
Use alliteration to describe the picture in 2 words.
Bouncy ball, beach ball
What is the missing word? The turkey tacos are t_ _ _ _. Discuss and read the whole sentence as a group.