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Hand Tool uses

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What is a speed square used for?
Drawing straight or 45 degree angle lines, checking angles
What is a try square used for?
Checking right angles/squareness of a project
Which type of blade has teeth shaped like right triangles?
Rip saw
How do you prevent a C Clamp from leaving a mark in your piece of wood?
Use a small wood block between the clamp & piece
When do you use a C Clamp?
Clamping & holding small items to a table
What tool is used to lay out & transfer angles on wood?
Sliding T Bevel
What is a file card used for?
Cleaning the teeth of a wood file
What 2 tools are used for installing & removing screws?
Flathead/standard & Phillips screwdrivers
What is a nail set used for?
Sinking the nail head below the surface of the wood
Which hammer is used for both installing and removing nails?
Claw hammer
Which hammer is light, easy to control, and is used for hammering small nails, striking chisels/sets, and rounding off metal?
Ball peen hammer
What's a wood file used for?
File/grind off edges of wood
What do you use to mark 90 degree angles and straight lines on wood?
Carpenters square or try square
A crosscut saw is used to cut __________ the grain.
A rip saw is used to cut __________ the grain.
What is a wood chisel used for?
Scraping off layers of wood or cut off corners