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DOs and DON'Ts for Halloween
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This person doesn't like chocolate but that is what the adult was handing out. She took the candy and said "thanks". Is that a DO or DON'T?
DO! Take the candy even if you don't like it. You can always trade with a friend later or give it to someone who likes chocolate.
This girl said "No thanks, I don't like that!" when the adult gave it to her. Is that a DO or a DON'T?
DON'T- Take the candy and say "thank you". You can always trade it later with a friend.
This boy said "I don't like that candy!" when the adult gave it to him. Is that a DO or a DON'T?
DON'T- Just say "thank you" and trade with someone later.
Is it a DO or DON'T?
This boy did not stay with his group. Is it a DO or DON'T?
These kids are screaming "BOO!" when the person opened the door. Is it a DO or DON'T?
This girl said "Thank you" and waited for the person to hand her candy. Is it a DO or DON'T?
This girl said "Trick-or-Treat" and grabbed candy out of the bowl. Is it a DO or DON'T?
This girl said "Trick-or-Treat" and waited for the person to hand her candy. Is it a DO or DON'T?
Is it a DO or DON'T?
DO- They are walking while Trick-or-Treating!
Is it a DO or DON'T?
DON'T- the kids are running while trick-or-treating
Is it a DO or DON'T to Trick-or-Treat here?
DO- the porch light is ON!
This house has its porch light on. Is it a DO or DON'T to Trick-or-Treat here?
This house has its porch light off. Is it a DO or DON'T to Trick-or-Treat here?
This house has its porch light off. Is it a DO or DON'T to Trick-or-Treat here?