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Halloween Speaking Fun!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you could use a magical spell, like a love spell, on somebody, would you?
What traditions do you have in your country for the day after Halloween (All Saints’ Day)?
When was the last time you were scared to death?
What would an alien think of humans if it came to Earth and saw Halloween?
If I found out my friend was a vampire, I would...
I was home alone, when I heard footsteps on the stairs... (finish the story)
What is the best Halloween costume you've ever seen? Why was it the best?
What is your favorite Halloween movie and why?
Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf? Why?
Would you rather meet a witch or a ghost?
If you had to spend a night in a haunted house, what three items would you take with you?
If you could replace Halloween with any other holiday (celebrate that holiday twice throughout the year), what would you chose and why?
Would you rather turn into a bat and fly with wings, or turn into a witch and fly on a broom?
What's your favourite part about Halloween?
If we were in a zombie apocalypse, who would you choose to be on your team and why?