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Igenous Rocks

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Resistance of a mineral to scratching
Describes how easily a mineral breaks
Describes the way a mineral breaks
Not produced by humans
Not produced by living things
Colour of the powder produced when a mineral is scrached
Property that describes how a mineral reflects light
What type of rocks are formed when rocks are subjected to high temperature and high pressure?
Metamorphic rocks
What type of rocks are formed when fragments of other rocks/minerals or organic remains consolidate?
Sedimentary rocks
What type of rocks are formed when magma or lava cools down
Igenous rocks
Plutonic igneous rocks are also named as
Intrusive igneous rocks
Volcanic igneous rocks are also named as
Extrusive ingeous rocks
What is the difference between LAVA and MAGMA?
Lava - at or near surface & Magma - below surface
Name an intrusive igneous rock
Granite, Syenite or Gabbro
Name 2 minerals that make up Granite.
Quartz, Mica and feldespar
Name an extrusive igneous rock
Obsidian, pumice or basalt