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Quiz: America!

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which of the three Americas is Brazil located?
South America
Which are the names of the three Americas?
North America, Central America and South America
This is the Statue of Liberty. Where is this monument located? a) Uruguay b) Jamaica c) Honduras d) The USA e) Colombia
d) The USA
This woman's name is Frida Kahlo. She was an artist. Where was she born? a) Brazil b) Chile c) Canada d) The USA e) Mexico
e) Mexico
Who discovered America? a) Américo b) Pedro A. Cabral c) Cristovam Colombo d) Another person
c) Cristovam Colombo
How many countries are there in America? a) 35 b) 56 c) 21 d) 42
a) 35
Which is the smallest America? a) South America b) Central America c) North America
b) Central America
Which of these countries isn't part of America? a) Suriname b) Alaska c) Jamaica d) Argentina e) Turkey
d) Turkey
Which Ocean borders the right side (East) of America? a) Atlantic Ocean b) Pacific Ocean c) Indian Ocean d) Arctic Ocean e) Southern Ocean
a) Atlantic Ocean
Which country has the largest territory of the American continent? a) Brazil b) Canada c) The USA d) Argentina e) Chile
b) Canada
Where did the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) originate? a) Costa Rica b) Canada c) Bolivia d) Mexico e) Peru
d) Mexico
Which country's flag is that behind Buzz Lightyear? a) Peru b) the United States of America c) Cuba d) Canada e) Suriname
b) the United States of America