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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, how the brothers feel?
In approximate, how many days did Joseph's brothers travel from Canaan to Egypt?
4 days
State one reason why the brothers don't want Benjamin to stay in Egypt as Joseph wanted?
Their father is old. He loves Benjamin so much. (He will die if Benjamin will be gone).
After the cup was found in the one of the sacks, why the brothers decided to go back to Joseph?
to make their name clear/ to justify themselves
Are the brothers of Joseph guilty of stealing?
When the brothers knew that one of them has the silver cup, what did they do?
tore their clothes
When the brothers were confronted and told that one of them steals the silver cup of Joseph, what judgement should be given?
will become a servant of Joseph
In whose sack of grain the silver cup was found?
In filling the sacks of grains, what was Joseph's instruction to the servant?
Put his silver cup in one of the sacks.
Why the bothers of Joseph went to Egypt?
To buy grains.