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Linear Equation & Inequality

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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6x ≥ 18, Is 3 a part of the solution?
In 10x - 4 = 18 - x, what is the value of x?
x = 2
2 + 5x < 2x - 10, what is the first number in the solution set?
x < - 4, so, -5.
3a + b = 40, if b = 7, find the value of a.
a = 11
x + 6 > 10, Give 3 solutions for this inequality.
5, 6, 7,...
60 - y = 10, What is the value for y?
y= 50
15 = 3x + 3, What is the value of x?
x = 4
15 = 3x + 3, What is the result of step 1?
3x = 12
4x + 5 = 12, What term is to be be moved first?
In 2m + 4 = 20, find the value of m.
m = 8