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Extreme Art

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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6) For Stephen Wiltshire ā€¦
b art has always been more than a hobby.
5) Stephen Wiltshire ā€¦
a remembers what he sees very accurately.
4) James Blunt ā€¦
a played the highest concert ever in 2010.
3) Unfathomable Ruinationā€™s concerts in a cube ā€¦
c were very difļ¬cult for the musicians to play.
2) Liu Bolin ā€¦
b sometimes takes days to prepare for his photos.
1) They call Liu Bolin the ā€˜invisible manā€™ because he .....
b makes it difļ¬cult for people to see him.