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Review -Rosie Revere the Engineer/Chesters' Way/ ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the fifth letter of the alphabet?
What is Mrs. Eloy's favorite color?
What are the "Three R's" that we can do to help our Earth?
reduce, recycle, reuse
How much money is this?
One dollar and twenty-three cents. $1.23
How much money is this?
71 cents
Is this animal endangered or extinct?
Is this animal endangered or extinct?
Endangered. Pandas are endangered mainly due to habitat loss. Humans have cleared much of the bamboo forests that pandas need to survive.
How many more seconds can Susan hold her breath than Ben?
40 seconds
What was the solution in Chesters' Way?
The characters learned that even if people act or do things differently than you, you can still be friends. You shouldn't judge people.
What was the problem in Chesters' Way?
Wilson and Chester did not like anyone who did things differently than them. They were not nice to Lilly because she was different.
How is the data represented here?
Tally marks
Using this bar graph - Who can hold their breath the longest?
What type of graph is this?
Bar Graph
What was the solution in Rosie Revere?
Her Great Aunt Rose encouraged her that when things don't work, you don't give up. It is a great first try.
What was the problem in the story Rosie Revere?
She was ready to give up building things due to being discouraged by her uncle.
Where was the setting at the end of the book in Rosie Revere the Engineer?
Which word would describe when an area of land gets less than its normal amount of rain, over months or even years.
What two chemicals would you need to recreate a volcanic explosion at home?
baking soda and vinegar
Is weathering and erosion a slow change or a fast change to the earth?
slow change
She worked with her hair swooping over one _______ and made fine inventions for uncles and aunts: a hot dog dispenser and helium pants.” Fill in the blank.
Who are the characters in Rosie Revere the Engineer?
Rosie, her uncle and her Great Aunt Rose
What are the characters names in the book: Chesters' Way?
Chester, Wilson, Lilly & Victor and the bullies