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These insects can be brown, grey or green. These insects don´t jump they use their legs as a catapult and can reach speeds of 8mph.
They live on every continent except Antarctica and can fly up to 35mph.
There are around 2700 species of this insect and the feamles drink blood.
This insect has eight legs and females can lay up to 3000 eggs at a time.
This insect uses their feet to taste and they only live a few weeks. They have brightly coloured wings.
They can produce silk and they are the larvae of moths or butterflies.
These insects are oval and can have spots, stripes or no markings at all.
This insect uses one set of wings to fly and the other for balance.
This insect group has a queen, workers and drones.
This insect has 6 legs and can be black, red or brown.