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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The seasoned mountain climber, was quite self sufficient therefore no one worried right away when he didn’t return from his climb.
The seasoned mountain climber was quite self-sufficient; therefore, no one worried right away when he didn’t return from his climb.
Your mother of pearl necklace and earrings will look beautiful with that dress.
Your mother-of-pearl necklace and earrings will look beautiful with that dress.
The point is according to my understanding that we should move quickly.
The point is, according to my understanding, that we should move quickly.
All of these books are to be catalogued the ones on geology natural history philosophy and scientific method.
All of these books are to be catalogued: the ones on geology, natural history, philosophy and scientific method.
The new regulations will prove to be to everyones disadvantage.
The new regulations will prove to be to everyone’s disadvantage.
Have you heard the song Somebody to Love by Justin Bieber
Have you heard the song “Somebody to Love,” by Justin Bieber?
Really I'm not sure I believe that.
Really? I'm not sure I believe that.
This is what you'll need to buy a box of pastels a box of card stock paper and some brushes
This is what you'll need to buy: a box of pastels, a box of card stock paper, and some brushes.
He has a four year old son.
He has a four-year-old son.
This is too expensive moreover I have no need for another bike
This is too expensive; moreover, I have no need for another bike.
I'll tell you one thing Ms. Wallis says I'd be so happy to see every student get an A.
“I'll tell you one thing,” Ms. Wallis says, “I'd be so happy to see every student get an A.”
The teacher asked why did everyone fail the test
The teacher asked, “Why did everyone fail the test?”
To play well you must practice hard.
To play well, you must practice hard.
Jared didn’t I just ask you to finish your homework
Jared, didn’t I just ask you to finish your homework?
In 1946 Max and Marion Caldwell established a private summer camp, Kennolyn for children ages six to thirteen, they named it after their two children.
In 1946, Max and Marion Caldwell established a private summer camp, Kennolyn, for children ages six to thirteen; they named it after their two children.
You’d think that the cafeteria style food would not be very good, on the contrary, the cooks created wonderfully tasty meals.
You’d think that the cafeteria style food would not be very good; on the contrary, the cooks created wonderfully tasty meals.
At summer camp, many children are given a chance to experience things they never could have at home, indeed, the benefits are worth every penny of the expense.
At summer camp, many children are given a chance to experience things they never could have at home; indeed, the benefits are worth every penny of the expense.