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Globalization - Video - Quiz 2

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How did this process happen?
d. They were forced to speak English instead of Inuktitut.
Which process are the Iniut people an example of?
The speaker says globalization played a major role in his move to Canada. Which aspect of globalization is NOT listed as one of the reasons for his move?
d. Dominant cultures assimilating minority groups
What happened when he first arrived in this new country?
c. He was very confused by the new culture
What brought the speaker to Canada in 2012?
transportation technology
When two cultures learn to ………………………… to each other, the process is called ‘accommodation’.
In the video, they are mentioned as an example of ‘…………………………’ (the cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture)
Métis people are half ……………………. half ………………………… people who live in Canada
aboriginal - French