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el 4 ~ LLS 5 vocab & story

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what does father tell Keiko in the end?
be patient keiko, you will feel better tomorrow
because Keiko can't eat lollipops, what does Keipy do to make Keiko laugh?
Keipy tries to tell him funny stories
why do you think Keiko can't eat lollipop when he's sick?
what does Keipy ask the doctor about lollipops?
Keipy asks if Keiko can eat a little lollipop
opposite of PATIENT (sabar)
opposite of A LITTLE (sedikit)
a lot
opposite of FUNNY
opposite of HURTS
what is an infusion tube for?
it's for giving nutrients and food to a patient
what does Keiko need to do according to Dr. Smith?
he needs to take a good rest & eat from the infusion tube
what happened to Keiko's stomach according to Dr Smith?
his stomach as a strange virus in it
who is Keiko's doctor?
he's called Dr. Smith