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The Royals

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the net worth of the Royal family?
88 billion
Who's the wife of Prince Harry?
Meghan Markle
What does the word 'signature' mean?
How many wives did Henry kill?
What happened to Ann Boleyn's brother?
How was Guy Fawkes executed?
How were the royals executed?
beheaded with an axe
What does the word 'heir' mean?
erfgenaam, opvolger
Why did the king want a boy?
to get a male successor
Translate the word 'schuldig' into English.
Translate the word 'verrader' into English.
All wives of Henry had something in common. They could only give birth to ...
the first baby
How long can you live if they cut your belly open? (disembowelment)
24 to 48 hours
What did Guy Fawkes want to blow up?
The Parliament (Big Ben)
What's the name of the Palace of the King?
The Tower
What's the name of his second wife?
Ann Boleyn
How many wives did Henry VIII have?