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Future Simple (complete the sentences)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(you/drive ................... fast or slow?
Will you drive fast or slow?
He (not/take a shower).
He won't take a shower.
(we/do) .................. an exam on Friday?
Will we do an exam on Friday?
She (know) ...................... the answer.
She will know the answer.
He (not/sleep) ...................... on the bed.
He won't sleep on the bed.
When (the movie/start) ........................ ?
When will the movie start?
The train (leave) ................... at 11 o'clock.
The train will leave at 11 o'clock.
John (buy) .................... a house in the city after the summer.
John will buy a house in the city after the summer.
I (not/finish) my homework today.
I won't finish my homework today.
In 2080 humans (live) .................. on Mars.
In 2080 humans will live on Mars.
How much money (she/spend) .................... in Minecraft this week?
How much money will she spend in Minecraft this week?
It's cloudy, but it (be) ................... sunny tomorrow.
It's cloudy, but it will be sunny tomorrow.
Who (you/invite) ................... to your birthday party?
Who will you invite to your birthday party?
Fernando (be) ............... taller next year.
Fernando will be taller next year.
My computer is fixed, it (not/crash) ................. again playing Roblox.
My computer is fixed, it won't crash again playing Roblox.
We (send) .................... him a postcard next month.
We will send him a postcard next month.
Martina (not/dance) .................... this afternoon.
Martina won't dance this afternoon.
Where (you/play) ................ football this weekend?
Where will you play football this weekend?
His parents (not/buy) ........................... him a videogame this Christmas.
His parents won't buy him a videogame this Christmas.
(you/run) ....................... at school tomorrow?
Will you run at school tomorrow?
It's too late, I (not/go) ........................ to the supermarket.
It's too late, I won't go to the supermarket.
I think she (travel) ............ to Canada next year.
I think she will travel to Canada next year.