Edit Game
Unit 3 Review #1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CHALLENGE! Create a compound sentence with the conjunction "or."
I can braid your hair for school today, or you can wear it down.
CHALLENGE! Create a compound sentence with the conjunction "so."
I didn't get a good grade on my quiz, so I'm going to retake it.
CHALLENGE! Create a compound sentence with the conjunction "but."
I like going to the beach, but I like going to the pool better.
CHALLENGE! Create a compound sentence with the conjunction "and."
Playa Grande is a really big and clean beach, and it has comfortable parking.
CHALLENGE! Create a sentence in the future progressive tense.
You will be cooking a lot of food this weekend for a party.
CHALLENGE! Create a sentence in the present progressive tense.
We are practicing for our quiz on Friday!
CHALLENGE! Create a sentence in the past progressive tense.
I was playing with Axel yesterday.
This weekend, I _______ _____ _________________ a birthday with my friends.
will be celebrating
Next year, you _______ _____ _______________ a lot of new and more advanced things!
will be learning
The teacher _____ ________________ us with the answers to this game right now.
is helping
Right now, we _____ _______________ a game to practice what we know.
are playing
Last year, you _____ ______________ online classes. (Past progressive)
were taking
Last month, we ______ _____________ books for a project. (Past progressive)
were reading
My mom is trying to be healthy, _____ we don't go to McDonald's anymore.
The lines at Bravo are too long, _____ we go to Supermercado Nacional instead.
They are building Agora Mall in Santiago, _____ it won't be ready for a while.
I hate Pizza Hut, ____ my family loves it.
You can study for your quiz, ____ you can get a bad grade.
You can go outside and play baseball, ____ you can stay inside and read a book.
Lions live in groups called prides, ____ those prides can have up to 30 lions.
Elon Musk created the company SpaceX, ____ SpaceX sends spacecrafts to NASA.
The students run _______ the classroom to go home.
out of
The boat full of packages is going _________ Florida.
When we were hiking, we went _________ a dark cave and had to use flashlights.
I want to you to pay attention ______ class.
Calcali has been open ________ 7:00 p.m. this morning.
I have to wait ________ 7:00 a.m. to go to Calcali because that's when they open.
________ Axel plays outside, he is so tired and curls up next to Teacher Lindsey to go to sleep.
You should charge your device ________ you go to school so you can use it in class without running out of battery.
When I was younger, I would __________ at a house for homeless people. We gave them food and things they need.
Will you join me on my __________ to Jarabacoa? I'm going to walk there!
There are snakes on this mountain, but it's ______ that you ever see one.
You'll have to ___________ your friend to go on the roller coaster because he is scared.
Grandpa, can you share any ________ you have with me about making friends?
Teacher Lindsey tries to make her class _________, not boring where we just copy and that's it.
Even though we can see the mountains, they are _______ from where we are.