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Chapter 4 - God Promises to help people

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Who went to the ark with Noah? A. The entire world B. The zoo C The circus D Noah's family and animals
D Noah's family and animals
Why was Noah chosen to built the ark? A He is an old man B. He was a skillful man C He was a hardworking man D He was a righteous man D
D He was a righteous man
Why did God destroy the earth during Noah's time? A to control population B. they built Tower of Babel C the people had become wicked and evil D they were worshiping idols
C the people had become wicked and evil
What book in the Bible is the story of Noah recorded? A Revelation B Exodus C Genesis D Psalm
C Genesis
The last time the dove returned what was on it's beak? A olive branch B pebble C worm D ribbon
A olive branch
God made a promise to never again send a flood to destroy the earth. What was the symbol of God's promise? A dove B. rainbow C cloud D. star
B rainbow
What animal did Noah send out to see if the land was dry? A cat B dog C elephant D dove
D Dove
How long did it rain for? A 30 days and 30 nights B 100 days and 100 nights C. 40 days and 40 nights D. 1000 days and 1000 nights
C 40 days and 40 nights
How did the Lord destroy mankind? A. Flood B. Earthquake C Fire D. Starvation
A. Flood
How many of each animal did God command Noah to bring on the ark? A. one B. two C.three D four
B. two