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Marvel Cinematic Universe
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Iron Man's best friend who dons a suit of armour similar to his. He is paralysed from below his waist.
War Machine/James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Loki stabbed him in the heart. The Avengers believed he was dead, but he was actually resurrected by Nick Fury through the T.A.H.I.T.I. program.
Phil Coulson
He lost his left eye after a flerken called Goose scratched him. He was the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick Fury
A former assassin under the influence of HYDRA, this character lost his arm in an accident and now fights alongside Captain America as the Winter Soldier.
Bucky Barnes
This character exhibited signs of magic in her childhood and became even more powerful after touching the Mind Stone. She is also known as the Scarlet Witch.
Wanda Maximoff
An android created by Ultron who housed the Mind Stone in his forehead. He was killed by Thanos.
The Vision
A skilled archer who lost his family during the Snap, causing him to go on a killing rampage and taking the name "Ronin".
Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
Steve Rogers handed the Captain America mantle over to this character.
The Falcon (Sam Wilson)
Originally a skinny kid from Brooklyn, this character received a super-serum that made him the world's first superhero.
Captain America (Steve Rogers)
A former KGB assassin, this character gave up their life so that the Avengers could obtain the Soul Stone.
Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
The Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the Mystic Arts. He almost lost his hands in a car accident.
Doctor Stephen Strange
The monster inside the man. This character becomes a green rage monster when angry.
Dr. Bruce Banner (The Hulk)
He lost his brother, father, mother, best friend and sister. He is the God of Thunder in the MCU.
Thor Odinson
This character's last words were: "You will never be a god".
Loki Laufeyson
This character gave up their life to save the universe, despite the fact that they had a daughter.
Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Which Infinity Stone was the first one to be shown in the MCU?
The Tesseract (Space Stone)