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Invisible Boy
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How can we make a new student feel welcome at Willow Creek?
Say hi, introduce yourself, show them around, ask them to play
How can you include someone who is alone at recess?
Ask them to play
How many kids did it take to make Brian feel les invisible?
What made Brian feel less invisible?
Being included in the group, invited to sit with them for lunch
Mrs. Carlotti said we can have a group of 3 and we're only 2 people. Let him work with us. How does Brian feel when Justin says this? How did Brain feel before he was invited to join the group?
Happy, included, important -- left out, lonely, sad, disappointed
By the way, that's a really cool drawing. How does Brian feel when Justin says that?
Happy, surprised, included
Justin, I tohught the bulgogi looked good. Brian How does this note make Justin feel?
Happy, included, calm,
There is no way I'd eat Booger-gi. How does this make Justin feel? What could the other kids do to help him?
Sad, excluded, lonely - They could tell JT to stop, tell a teacher.
I'm so glad you guys had fun at my party. Everyone except Brian. He wasn't invited. How does Brian feel?
Sad, lonely, left out
We have enough players for each team. Let's play ball. How does Brian feel when he can't play? What could they do to include him?
Sad, disappointed, mad - Take turns, rotate in, ask someone else to play