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The Normans

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Who was the last High King of Ireland?
Ruairi O Connor
When did Ruairi O Connor die?
Where did the Normans land in Ireland?
What type of diet did the Normans have the time?
A rich and varied diet
Where is Strongbow buried?
Christ Church Cathedral
What was the name of the long French poem which told part of the history of the Normans?
Le Chanson de Dermot e li Quens
What abbey is the Book of Leinster kept in?
Cong Abbey
When did Strongbow become king?
When did Strongbow die?
What was Strongbow's real name?
Richard Fitzgilbert de Clare
Who was king of England at the time?
Henry II
What were the Normans originally?
Who did Strongbow marry?
When was the Battle of Hasting?
What part of France did the Normans come from?
Who was leading the Normans when they landed at Bannow Bay in County Wexford?
Robert Fitzstephen
What did Diarmaid MacMurrough become known as?
Diarmaid na nGall
What army did William defeat in 1066?
Saxon Army
In what century did the Normans settle in France?
10th Century
In which battle were the Viking defeated at in 1014?
Battle of Clontarf
Who replaced Strongbow as the most powerful Norman lord?
John de Courcy
Where did the Normans land in Ireland?