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Marketing Mix

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one company that does a good job marketing their product and WHY
Student response
Name one method of promotion
Emails, flyers, radio commercial, TV commercial, billboard, car decal, sales, etc
Explain why you should do market research?
Ensure you are targeting the correct audience in the most effective way with the most effective tools
Name ONE factor to identify in marketing research
prices, impacts, customer profile, customer values, competitor activities, competitor strengths/weaknesses, customer priorities and needs, demographics
Putting a new lawn mower model outside the store at Tractor Supply deals with which TWO P's of the Marketing Mix?
Product and Place!
Introducing the new Tesla model via a commercial deals with which TWO P's of the Marketing Mix?
Product and promotion!
Holding a free adoption event outside a Pet store deals which which TWO P's of the Marketing Mix?
Promotion and Place
What is the purpose of the Marketing Mix?
Bring together unique/effective tools to sell a product
Which Marketing Mix element is the most important?
They are all equally important
Opening a coffee shop on a college campus is an example of which of the 4 P's?
Lowering the price of summer clothes once fall hits is an example of which of the 4 P's?
Seeing Ad's during a YouTube video is an example of which of the 4 P's?
Apple coming out with the iPhone 13 is using which of the 4 P's?
Placing candy and drinks near the checkout line is an example of which of the 4 P's?
Running a BOGO sale is an example of which of the 4 P's?
Name one career within Marketing
web design, social media manager, sales, telemarketer, travel/tourism, research, etc
Describe Product in the 4 P's of Marketing
What the item is, what it does, what makes it unique
Describe Promotion in the 4 P's of Marketing
How you will reach customers, where to advertise, deals/discounts/sales
Describe Place in the 4 P's of Marketing
Where to sell an item, where to put it in a store
Describe Price in the 4 P's of Marketing
Value or cost of a product and the factors that influence it
What are the 4 P's of Marketing?
Price, Product, Promotion, Place